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Meta, 2 Jahre und 8 Monate. Frei assoziieren auf dem Klo.
2002-10-15 @ 10:25 a.m.

You go up and up and up
The rings.
We go up and up
And then we fly, mum.
We look like a spider, mum. Yeah.
But one time I saw a big spider.
Yeah it was so big.
And then the spider scared me.
And then I went to my Oma
And gave a kiss to her.

One time I saw a big Fuchs.
And his dad.
And then the Fuchs scared me. [Was hat er gemacht?]
He scared me, mum, he scared me.
Mum, mum, I went to my mum.

Lilly ist da.
He can�t go upstairs.
He was upstairs
And then Karla jumped.
It was so faster, so faster, so faster.

One time I saw a big monster
Hiding in the garden.
And then it scared me.
And then the monster scared me.
And then the monster flies out.
And then he scares me.
And then he scares us.
A big monster, a big red monster.

Was schreibstn du? [Ich schreib, was du sagst.]
Are you writing? Are you making gymnastics? [Not exactly. Just writing.]
Names? Tape? Are you drawing? [No, I�m just writing what you say.]
Die Katze und der Hund und die Schildkrote. {Ein Bild von ihr an der Badwand.}
It can�t go there. And then the cat brumms.


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