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Elizabeth Smart
2003-03-14 @ 12:03 p.m.

Officer Jones said the man called himself "Peter Marshall", the older woman called herself his wife "Juliette Marshall". The young girl called herself "Augustine Marshall".
"He said he was her father and this was her step-mother and they were from Florida," Immediately, police became suspicious of the young girl who kept calling herself "Augustine".
"She said she's a child from god, a minister of the Church of Christ and she along with her parents are passing on the gospel throughout the United States," said officer Victor Quesada. That's when officers pulled out a picture of Elizabeth Smart and compared the photo with the girl they were questioning on the street.
"At one point, I could see her T-shirt and I could see her heart pounding in her chest, obviously she was nervous," said Officer Bill Rasmussen.
"At that point, she just blurted out to us I know who you think I am. Who do you think?" the officers asked. "You think I'm that Elizabeth Smart that ran away and we said yeah we think you're her."
"I pulled Augustine aside and I played a hunch and I said you know Elizabeth there's a lot of people looking for you, your family is missing you. If you're in trouble, we'll help you, we can end this and walk away from it right now at which point her eyes swelled up in tears," said officer Rasmussen.
"I asked her one last time, for your own peace of mind, for yourself, for your family, tell me you're Elizabeth Smart. She said, "thou sayest". I said I'll take that as a yes," officer Quesada said.

Meine Guete. Ganz schoen merkwuerdig. Von hier.

Diese Elizabeth Smart war offenbar von diesem, erm, Messias der Obdachlosen, entfuehrt worden und hat neun Monate lang bei ihm und seiner Frau gelebt. Ihre Mutter hatte diesen Messias einmal an ihrem Haus arbeiten lassen, fuer ein paar Stunden (Obdachloser, komm her, reparier das Dach von meinem Haus und verdien dir ein paar Dollar. Irgendwie auch scheisse, aber was will man machen mit diesen Obdachlosen. Da ist ja alles irgendwie scheisse.), und sieben Monate spaeter hat er diese Elizabeth nachts aus ihrem Kinderzimmer fortgeholt, und ihre kleine Schwester tat so als ob sie schliefe.

Und eine Moral gibt es natuerlich auch:
But the real moral here is neither about the risk of child abduction nor about the hope for return of long lost loved ones. The real message is: Don't invite street people into your home.

Vom gleichen Typ, der ganz richtig bemerkt dass eine gruslige Entfuehrung kein Anlass ist zu meinen, dass irgendwie pausenlos Kinder entfuehrt werden wuerden, und dass weiterhin eine gutausgegangene gruslige Entfuehrung auch nicht bedeutet, dass alle anderen auch gut ausgehen. Aber: Don't invite street people into your home. Ugh. Yeah. Da gilt dann die Statistik nicht mehr. Bloeder Mittelstand.


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