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Kindergarten Report Card von Karla, fast 6
2003-03-21 @ 11:27 a.m.

Karla is a quiet member of our class who demonstrates confidence in her learning. She is eager to learn new concepts and always seeks help when she needs it. Karla works independently and completes specific tasks within a reasonable length of time. She follows rules and routines easily and adapts well to change. Karla is self reliant. She dresses independently and takes care of her own personal belongings. Karla is developing positive relationships with a few of her classmates. She demonstrates respect for her peers as well as classroom materials. Karla prefers quiet activities such as the book center or games/puzzles and is always eager to complete academic activities.
Karla demonstrates excellent communication skills. She is attentive during circle time. She expresses her thoughts and ideas clearly and contributes regularly to group discussions. Karla enjoys listening to stories and makes wonderful predictions about what may happen next. Karla identifies most letters of the alphabet. She does not yet demonstrate beginning awareness of letter sounds. She identifies familiar words in the classroom and during our daily �news report�, and rhymes simple words. Karla prints her name, copies words and short sentences neatly with a correct pencil grasp. Occasionally Karla will choose the writing center during open activity time. Karla enjoys educational videos and participates fully in related discussions and activities.
Karla demonstrates good fine motor skills when cutting, pasting and colouring. She follows directions easily to complete a variety of art activities. Her paintings and drawings demonstrate increasing attention to detail and recognizable forms. Karla actively participates in music and movement activities. She recalls and repeats familiar songs and chants. She moves in response to the tempo and mood of the music (fast, slow). She follows rhythmic patterns correctly (clap, tap, clap).

Fast, slow. Clap, tap, clap. Ohgottogott, da schlaegt der alte Familienfluch wieder zu. Mann, Karla! KARLA!! Zieh doch mal einem eine rein, fer chrissakes. Sei doch mal der Star der Klasse. Entweihe doch mal circle time auf irgendeine interessante und mitteilenswerte Weise. Halt doch wenigstens mal deinen Stift falsch.
Karla, Karla, Karla. Wozu habe ich mich all die Jahre abgerackert, auf alles verzichtet� seufz.
Naja. Ich kann mich immer noch an die Hoffnung klammern, dass in der Person von Meta vielleicht ein gnadenloser Schulhof-Tormentierer und wilder Gegner von craft activities und educational videos heranwaechst. Meta, Schrecken der Schwachen, die zu bloed waren, sich irgendwo zu verkriechen, Feindbild aller Lehrer. Go Meta Go!

Neinnein, Karla ist natuerlich super. Nurn Scherz.


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