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Wilde Oberschicht-Heiratsanzeigen
2003-05-12 @ 12:31 p.m.

Aus der New York Times. Also Heiratsanzeigen im Sinne von dass die geheiratet haben.
Da kann man jeweils ein Foto sehen, lesen, was sie fuer super Karrieren haben und was Mutti und Vati sind, und manchmal auch noch eine Anekdote, wie sie sich kennengelernt haben.

Diese hier ist interessant, weil siehe ganz unten:

Jennifer Rhodes, a daughter of Linda S. Rhodes of Maitland, Fla., and Richard S. Rhodes of Winter Park, Fla., was married yesterday to Benjamin Wilson Patton, a son of Joanne Holbrook Patton and George S. Patton of South Hamilton, Mass. The Rev. Robert Duvall performed the ceremony at the Episcopal Church of the Incarnation in Highlands, N.C. Mrs. Patton, 32, is the fund raising director for the Village Community School, a private school in New York. She graduated from Rollins College in Winter Park. Her father is a lawyer in a private practice in Orlando, Fla. Mr. Patton, 37, is a special projects executive in New York at WLIW-TV, a public television station in Plainview, N.Y. He graduated from Georgetown University. His mother manages Green Meadows Farm, the family farm in South Hamilton. The bridegrooms father retired from the army as a major general, having served in the Korean and Vietnam Wars. The bridegrooms grandfather Gen. George S. Patton commanded the Third Army in Europe during World War II.

Oder hier:

Alice Susan Marcus, the daughter of Sally and Phillip Marcus of Fairfield, Conn., was married yesterday to Paul Dennis Krieg, the son of Margaret and Edwin Krieg of Oak Ridge, Tenn. The reverend Krystin Granberg, a Presbyterian minister, officiated at the Museum of Appalachia in Norris, Tenn.
Mrs. Krieg, 35, is a freelance garden designer in Brooklyn. Until last month, she worked for the Horticultural Society of New York as the program director for GreenBranches, which designs, installs and maintains gardens at branch libraries in New York City. Her father, who is retired, was the executive director of the Institute of Educational affairs, a former philanthropic organization and research foundation in Manhattan. Her mother is an executive assistant at Evaluation Associates, a financial services company in Norwalk, Conn.
Mr. Krieg, 32, is to become a sales representative this month for the Davidoff Group, an insurance agency in Great Neck, N.Y. He was previously a day trader in Brooklyn, and before that a floor trader at the American Stock Exchange for Sovereign Capital Partners. He graduated from Radford University in Radford, Va. His mother, who is retired, was a studio director in Oak Ridge for Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic. His father, also retired, was a director of engineering at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

Jobs haben die alle!

Associate editor at Mary Claire Magazine, New York + Director in the mortgage capital unit of Deutsche Bank (�for which he helps convert packages of commercial mortgages into investment products� - wasauchimmer).

Senior merchandisers in San Francisco for subsidiaries of Gap, Inc. Sie: Banana republic, Er: Old Navy.

Associates at law firms.

Actress + Theatrical director

Irgendwas in dem Zeitungsverlag, der Papi gehoert + Ehemaliger representative of Five Star Food Service, a provider of vending and food services, aber soon to be intern in dem Zeitungsverlag, der Schwiegerpapi gehoert.

Senior Research associate in New York for Harris Interactive, a market research company + Senior producer for the New York Times on the web.

Irgendwelche Kuenstler. Betreiberin eines �journal on visual arts, called Glasstire� + Partner in a �collaboration called the Art Guys. Among their recent projects was �Suits: The Clothes Make the Man.� They wore two suits embroidered with advertisements from more than 50 companies that had leased space on them.� (Furchtbar bissig und interessant.)

Writer in Houston for the Los Angeles Times + einer, der bloss graduiert ist, dessen Muetter, Vaeter, Stiefmuetter und Stiefvaeter samt und sonders Professoren fuer �Classics�, nochmal �Classics�, �Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience� sowie �assistant professor of Psychology and Neuroscience� sind. Neben diesen schafft er es, noch zusaetzlich einen Vater zu haben, der �Hematologist and also a Universal Life minister� ist, und der die Trauung im �Surf and Sand Resort in Laguna Beach, Calif.� vollzogen hat.

Portfolio manager at ACI Capital, an investment form in New York + Director of acquisitions at DRA Advisors, a real estate investment firm in new York. Aus der Kennenlern-Anekdote:
�During the brief ride, they discussed �the dangers of financial leverage, the relative merits of real estate versus fixed-income as an asset class and the possibility that New York was experiencing a housing bubble.�
Not usually the sort of talk that leads to romance. �He asked for my phone number as we were about to part ways,� she said, recalling how they talked for 10 minutes after getting off the train. �Against my instincts, I gave him my office number, figuring that anyone who would talk about fixed-income returns on the subway probably would not turn out to be a stalker.� Mr. Bodenstein remembered the moment: �As she handed me her business card, she said, �Well, you don�t look like an ax murderer!� � �
Ich versuche alles, mich davon abzuhalten, unsympatischerweise auf die falsche Verwendung von �against my instincts� hinzuweisen (das waere ja, wenn er fuer sie wie ein Axtmoerder ausgesehen haette. Es muss natuerlich �against my usual practice� heissen oder so. Man kann das auf alle moeglichen Arten bezeichnend finden, was sie da fuer ihre instincts missversteht, aber man kann es natuerlich auch bleiben lassen.), aber es geht nicht, es geht nicht. Ich muss es tun. Voellig against my instincts.

Interior designer in Boston + Computer consultant in Boston.

Zwei herzige Dschungelbiologen, forschen in Panama und Peru.

Director of marketing in Boston for �SchoolSports, a monthly magazine about high-school sports teams� + Client services associate at Loomis, Sayles & Company, a Boston investment management business.


War das eigentlich schon immer so, dass die Leute vorwiegend Berufe haben, die entweder ganz klar voellig nutzlos sind, oder wo man nicht und nicht weiss, was in aller Welt sie da eigentlich treiben als so ein director of marketing oder sales representative oder senior merchandiser? Oder wissen das alle anderen und bloss ich nicht, weil ich so irrsinnig weltfremd bin?
Gab es nicht irgendwann mal eine Zeit, wo die Leute nachvollziehbare Berufe hatten, Baecker und Kurzwarenverkaeufer, Arzt, Gefanegniswaerter, oder meinetwegen Computerprogrammierer, Fabrikdirektor, Ingenieur oder sowas? Oder bin ich da einer romantischen Illusion aufgesessen?
Naja, ganz zu schweigen von all den Berufen, die mit der eigentlichen Produktion zu tun hatten. Die sind ja sowieso weg. Jesus, ich moechte ein paar Huehner haben.


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