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John Holt I
2007-06-23 @ 11:23 p.m.

John Holt, How Children learn. 1964, ueberarbeitet 1982 .

In this chapter I will say something very simple, that may not often have been said before. Children use fantasy not to get out of, but to get into, the real world.

Children, at least at first, do not dream of going faster than a speeding bullet or leaping tall buildings with a single bound. Those fantasies are made up by adults.

We are seeing something new in human history, a generation or two of children who have most of their daydreams made for them.

As important as fantasizing may be for children, we can't make them do it on demand, and we risk doing them a serious injury when we try. I now understand more clearly why I have so long and so deeply disliked a scene that is very common in preschool and elementary grades. While an adult plays a piano or guitar, the children are invited, i.e. told, to pretend that they are trees or birds or snowflakes or wildflowers or whatever.Children quickly learn that when someone says "Be a snowflake", it is their cue to wave their arms and whirl and jump about the room. Since they get few enough chances to move in school, they are glad to seize this one. But we must not fool ourselves that they are really fantasizing. They are only doing what the adults want them to, pretending to imagine what the adults want them to imagine, and pretending all the while that they are enjoying it. Whoever saw children, in their private lives and play, pretending to be snowflakes? What they pretend is to be grownups, kings and queens, or truck drivers and doctors, or mommys and daddys. If we try to make children fantasize, these fake fantasies, like the ready-made fantasies of TV, will in time drive out most of their true fantasies, the ones that come from their experience in the world and their need to make sense of it and become at home in it.

Das ist ein wehmuetig stimmendes Buch von John Holt, 1923-1985, erst Lehrer, dann Homeschooling-Befuerworter. Homeschooling im Sinne von Kinder respektieren und in Frieden lassen, nicht im Sinne von den gleichen Bloedsinn wie in der Schule zu Hause veranstalten. Unschooling nennt er das. Wehmuetig im Sinne von, tja, was will man machen. Wie alles voellig falsch ist, so eben auch das.


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