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Only weather, and then still books - snicker snicker snicker
2003-01-22 @ 5:59 p.m.

Beim Blick auf meine Referrers hat mein Spionauge mir gesagt, dass jemand meinen interessanten Eintrag gern auf englisch lesen wollte. Kicher!! Jesus Christ!
Ist ja eigentlich keine Neuigkeit, dass dabei immer Aberwitz rauskommt, aber hey, ich hab das zum ersten Mal richtig wahrgenommen. Los gehts!

-25 degrees or so. All gemummt themselves scarves around their mouths and noses. If one does not wear gloves, one to jerk-twitch the fingers drop. Does not disturb however none, me also. One throws a view to each morning on the thermometer at the kitchen window and hopes for new records. Och, only -20. The Canadians have this need apparently also, because they mention only in principle the amusing wind chill temperature, which is natural OUTRAGEOUS. It's -34 degrees out there! And the car: sigh sigh nuddel nuddel nuddel nuddel nuddel nuddel nuddel nuddel nuddel BRRRRRUUUUUUUMMMM. Yeah Mercury Topaz!

If one brought already otherwise nothing remarkable on the row, one can congratulate oneself at least one day long this cold weather to have ueberwittert. Whereby that is naturally also no large art, because one is from the fate work-technically again into a windowless, air-conditioned cellar strikes.

Anyhow, Caipirinhas at the pool, for me does not forget, in order to formulate it particularly affektiert times, spells anything as clearly quality of life as a beautiful, decent frost. Knirsch knirsch. Perhaps we return nevertheless never again.

And, by the way actually I can pack up here. The Canada book of Douglas coup country is so condemned good! Because he has a topic, thus, one remains spared for Canada by the amusing new Age Mystizismus and this, ahem, certain idea poverty of its newer books, and man, can up-close this Bur its perception organs!

I asked myself longer time, whether that actually admits here is, thus somehow as an institution as Guenther Grass or so, where all decline in principle, jaja, Guenther Grass, importantly, jaja. Whereby the comparison naturally limps, because Guenther Grass is a kind Greis, to designen and coup country a hipper type, which is concerned now with it, strange providing small tables and vases. I asked myself whether it would be desert here without end now for the people, if one brought the language on the coup country. That is now even in Germany already rather old. But like it turns out, it turns out that it is mad in America hip to find coup country good. That only the allerhipsten people, the others do have probably simply no entrance to that. Do not know that. But for example this party chicken from Toronto, Raymi the Minx , those likes it. Everything goes to Raymi! There are naked pictures! Whereby it is now no present-intellectual in the strict sense. Present-intellectual I do not know. Now I, if the people here which read, believe then any paperbacks, thus Terry Pratchett find all super, women apparently completely find Anne Rice super, that am irgendsoeine Erotiktante. The caliber. However the point is perhaps also that that one knew different kinds of people in Germany simply than here.

Nochn book tip, of trusty old omc? Lemony Snicket is good! That give also in Germany. So for off eight-year old or so, completely class series, much better than Harry Potter! Thus Harry Potter is OK ONE, assumes I, but Lemony Snicket is more spirit-rich. The Austere Academy. The replacement elevator. The Vile Village. Well! And it comes with the advantage that there is no beschissenen Sunny Klaus and Violet menus with McDonalds and so.

Yup. Guenther Grass is a kind Greis indeed.


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