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Fox in socks
2004-10-11 @ 10:46 p.m.

When tweetle beetles fight
it's called
a tweetle beetle battle.
And when they battle in a puddle
it's a tweetle
beetle puddle battle.

AND when tweetle beetles
battle with paddles in a puddle
they call it a tweetle
beetle puddle paddle battle.
When beetles battle battles
in a puddle paddle battle
and the beetle battle puddle
is a puddle in a bottle
they call this
a tweetle beetle
bottle puddle
paddle battle muddle.
When beetles
fight these battles
in a bottle
with their paddles
and the bottle's
on a poodle
and the poodle's
eating noodles
they call this
a muddle puddle
tweetle poodle
beetle noodle
bottle paddle battle.

Yay Dr. Seuss!
Jetzt fehlt nur noch ein Bild von den Tweetle Beetles, wie sie einander ihre Paddel ueber den Kopf braten. Mal sehn, was ich morgen diesbezueglich tun kann.

Viola, hier sind sie, die Kaefer, der Fox, und der Ueberforderte heisst Knox.


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