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2002-12-02 @ 12:29 p.m.

Ottawa Citizen (Ottawas Emulation einer serioesen Zeitung):

Citizen�s right to breath fresh air is ignored by civic politicians

I cannot walk down a sidewalk in most commercial areas in this city and breathe without gagging. I cannot stand and wait for public transportation without someone inconsiderately polluting upwind of me. The overwhelming frustration and anger I feel is directed at civic politicians such as Councillor Alex Munter, who have done nothing about my right to breath fresh air.
If cigarette smoke is �an indoor air-quality issue, not an outdoor one�, as Councillor Munter continues to claim, he has missed the boat when there isn�t another one scheduled to sail � ever. (Boot? Haeh?) Public Health is an important issue affecting us all.
There is also an economic impact. I used to choose the establishments that I frequent based on the particular indoor environment and the ventilation system. Now I choose not to go to many places unless I absolutely have to. That means I do not spend as much money in Ottawa. Montreal, Toronto and points elsewhere are benefiting from my refusal to be exposed to revolting clouds of cigarette smoke. I choose not to walk through crowds of smokers clogging entrances and sidewalks. I choose not to eat in restaurants, shop in malls and stores, or even grab a coffee to go in places that expose me to the inconsiderates who reek of cigarette smoke. When is the last time Mr. Munter had to get off a sidewalk and walk in rush hour traffic on Bank Street because the people standing around made it so bad that he couldn�t breathe? I don�t see things changing until smoking in public is just as illegal as smoking indoors. Keep the smokers in their own homes, and let the rest of us enjoy parts of the great outdoors like we used to.
Michael Tattersall, Ottawa

Ja. Michael Tattersall fuehlt ueberwaeltigenden Zorn und Frustration darueber, dass Menschen auf den Gehwegen rauchen. Achtung Kappitalisten und Lokalpollitiker: Michael Tattersall sieht sich deshalb gezwungen, seine Kaufkraft in anderen Gegenden der Welt zu verausgaben. Faehrt immer mit dem Auto nach Montreal, um ein Flaeschchen Tabascosauce zu kaufen. Huetet euch: Im Nu ist der Standort Ottawa veroedet!
Er fordert Coucillor Munter (offenbar eine Figur aus dem Mosaik) auf, das Rauchen ueberall ausser in den Heimen der Raucher zu kriminalisieren. In ihren Heimen koennen sie allerdings auch nicht rauchen, denn dadurch werden ja die betreffenden Gebaeude fuer immer verseucht. Aber das kommt erstma spaeter.
Und irgendwann, wenn dieser Kampf ausgekaempft ist, kann Michael Tattersall vielleicht, vielleicht seine Beine hochlegen und sich ein schoenes neues Ventil fuer seinen Generaltrilli ausdenken. Wir wollen es ihm wuenschen.


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