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Alte National Geographics I
2004-05-18 @ 1:16 p.m.

Alte National Geographics sind meine neue leidenschaftliche Liebe, die gibt es fuer 50 Cent das Stueck bei St. Vincent.

Alte National Geographics sind so nett, und aus der alten Werbung kann man auch was lernen, zum Beispiel dass 1974 ein schmucker Buick fuer 3700 Dollar zu haben war (klar ist, dass man 1900 fuer einen Pfennig 3 Dutzend Huehnereier bekam, aber 1974 ein superduper Buick fuer 3700 Dollar, das haette ich nun wahrlich nicht gedacht.).
Ausserdem bestand Werbung damals zu grossen Teilen aus kleingedruckem Plaudertext, den die Menschen sich offenbar gutwillig durchgelesen haben, damit er seine ausgetueftelte psychologische Wirkung bei ihnen entfalten konnte.

Gestern war aus irgendwelchen Gruenden von Zucker die Rede. Diese Zuckerwerbung hier zeigt ein relativ unappetitliches Eis mit Karamelsosse, einer alt aussehenden Erdbeere und einer verschwommenen Dame, und unter der Ueberschrift �The plain truth about your sweet tooth� dieses ungeheuer lange Traktat hier, das ahnen laesst, wie sich die Zuckerindustrie offenbar in vergangenen Kampagnen ins wissenschaftliche Aus manoevriert hatte:

Do you remember the messages we brought you in the past about sugar? How something with sugar in it before meals could help you curb your appetite? We hope you didn't get the idea that our little diet tip was any magic formula for losing weight. Because there are no tricks, or shortcuts, the whole diet subject is very complicated.
Research hasn't established that consuming sugar before meals will contribute to weight reduction or even keep you from gaining weight. But if sugar isn't thinning, it isn't fattening either. Because no food, in and of itself, is fattening. (And sugar is most definitely a good and useful food.)
You'll gain weight if you consistently take in more calories than you need for energy. You'll loose weight if you consistently take in less calories than you burn up. But whether you're gaining or losing, you should take in a balanced diet, and that's where sugar comes in. You need vitamins, minerals, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. And it just so happens that sugar is the best tasting carbohydrate. It's a food you enjoy. A food that is absorbed into your bloodstream rapidly so it helps you bounce back.
And that good natural sweetness gives you a sense of satisfaction and well-being. A nice little psychological lift.
You want to lose weight? Your doctor will tell you to exercise more and eat less, but stick with a balanced diet. And sugar, in moderation, has a place in a diet like that.

Sugar. It isn't just good flavor; it's good food. ( Love the semicolon!)

For more facts about good nutrition, and sugar's role in it, write:
Sugar Information, General P.O. Box 94
New York, New York 10001

Ach Gottchen.

Bring on ze schugar!


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