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Eensy weensy spider
2005-01-27 @ 11:33 p.m.

Schneehuegel auf dem Parkplatz.

Lets play this is Cosmic Adventures*. I am Cosmo, the owner of Cosmic Adventures. I make the rules.
I am Cosma, the other owner.
What can I be? What can I be? Sam! What can I be? What can I be? Sam, what can I be? ... What can I be? Sam! What can I be?
Uh, you can be a helper.
Yay, I am a helper, making new slides.


My name is Supersonic. No, I am Yellow Sonic. My power is electricity.
I am Blue Sonic.
My name is, my name is, my my my -
What is my power?
I don't know. I only know that my power is electricity. I can make things turn on.
My name is, my my my name is Super -
Oh, I know. My power is lightning, Lightning is blue.
My my my my name is, my name is Super, Super Violet!!
Well, I control lightning, too, Lightning is electricity.
(Super Violet, that's not a bad name. Or you could be Ultra Violet.) No, I want to be Super Violet.
Lets put our hands together and merge our powers. 'bzzzzt' Now we all have each other's powers, but we still have our own powers too.


Meta always starts crying.
Boo hoo hoo!
Yeah, she's always crying. I think our game might be too scary for her.

Were they playing scary games? What was scary about them?
I don't want to say. I need a towel to dry off my tears.
Want me to go get you a hanky?

Here you go, little one. So, what happened?
They were talking mean to me. They're always talking mean to me. They don't even like me at all.
Oh, I'm sure they like you. That's just the thing when big kids play with little kids, mostly the big kids are more interested in each other and in their own ideas, and sometimes they even say mean things, but you have to face that. That's not the end of the world and it really doesn't mean they don't like you.
Karla even doesn't like me.
Of course she likes you. She's your sister. She likes you.
She doesn't want to be my sister. She only likes you.
Oh no, that's not true. She likes you. She's just really excited cause Sam's here, so she doesn't pay a lot of attention to you. But the other day she bought you something for your birthday, with her own money, and today she made you another thing, as a surprise. Would she do that for somebody she didn't like?
(Kopfschuetteln, Aufklaren) We didn't even start making her something for her birthday.
No, little one, we start that when we're back in Germany. Her birthday is only in April. There's lots of time left.
I want to go upstairs play with the other guys.
Even if they still play scary games?
Can you talk to them?
No, I'm afraid I can't. I can't tell them what games to play you know.
But they hurt my feelings.
Yeah, well, sometimes your feelings get hurt. There's not a lot I can do about that one. That's just the way things are. Why don't you talk to them, suggest something else you could play. But no crying, that's important! Or why don't you take your time, stay down here with me a little while, help me get supper?

No, I wanna go.


The eensy weensy spider
went up the water spout.
Down came the rain
and washed the spider out.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain
and the eensy weensy spider
went up the spout again.

* Ach ja. Cosmic Adventures ist dieser ueberlebensgross aufgeblaehte keimige McDonalds-Spielplatz, wo es Eintritt kostet.


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